How to Display Dried Flowers

A pair of cream coloured stone vases in different heights. the smaller containing some dried flowers

Kate Blott |

5 Ways to Display Dried Flowers

  1. Dried Flowers in a Bottle
  2. Crafted Items With Dried Flowers
  3. Adding Dried Flowers to Paper and Stationery
  4. Making Decorations with Dried Flowers
  5. Creating Dried Flower Art

Displaying Dried Flowers in Beautiful Bottles

Sometimes you find a bottle that is too pretty to put into the glass recycling bin or you spot one in a bric-a-brac shop that looks amazing, but you don't know what to do with them: Dried flowers can make the perfect partner.

Whether you have a single stem or a small bunch, bottles are a great way to show off dried blooms. Pampas plumes look fabulous in coloured glass bottles, either alone or with some complementary, coloured typha stems or ruscus branches. For displaying around the home in this way, dried flowers are a great alternative to fresh, as they are less likely to trigger allergies.

Tiny glass bottles with single dried flower stems have minimalist charm.

Duck Egg Blue Ceramic Bottle Vase, H23cm

At Atlas, we offer a range of small, medium, and large bottle vases in both glass and ceramic finishes.

Coaster and Resin Creations

Delicate flowerheads and petals work well in resin art, whether you are creating a set of small coasters or a larger decorative item.

Glass test tubes make a great mini-vase. Available in different sizes, they are easily supported in wooden frames to create an unusual display.

Resin Makes on Pinterest

We've curated a Pinterest board with some ideas for resin and flower coasters. Whether you use pressed dried flowers, or keep it 3G, there are so many different ways you can get creative with dried flowers and resin.

Decorative Resin Makes

It's not just coasters that look great with dried flowers, you can make paperweights, bowls, jewellery, picture frames, and more! Getting to grips with resin can be daunting, so why not take a look at YouTube for some tutorials to become more confident

Paper and Stationery

Making your own floral paper for your letters or cards, or giving as gifts, is an interesting and unique method of utilising dried flowers. Whether you incorporate the flowers directly into paper pulp or glue them onto the paper, they look beautiful.

Whether pressed or just dried, your personal stationery and gifts will look dreamy with the addition of a few stems or blooms.

You can also take sprigs or single stems of dried flowers and create embellishments for cards, envelopes, and presents as a change to traditional rosettes. This method is far better for the environment than more stick-on plastic rosettes and will be unique.


Gone are the days when the only times our homes were decorated was at Christmas or for birthdays. Now, once the Christmas decs come down, door wreaths are often replaced with the change of the seasons, and indoors, we have everything from Easter trees, summery flower clouds, and table decorations, to Autumnal and Halloween displays - and back to Christmas again! If you like to get on board with these trends, then dried and preserved flowers are a great way to include natural, colourful ingredients.

Dried Flower Christmas Ornament Tutorial from Northlawn Flower Farm

Making A Dried Flower Cloud

Flower clouds are very much on trend but have you seen how they are made? This video is a glimpse into the world of creative floristry! Why not have a go at one yourself?

Grand flower clouds from the Mary Lennox Studio, Berlin.

Framed Dried Flowers

Framing your dried flowers can brighten up bedroom decor, or potting shed walls. Whether you press them first and lay them between clear glass, or keep them 3D in a rustic shadow box frame, you can create an artistic feature with dried flowers.

Boxy frames are ideal for dried and pressed flowers to create a beautiful focal piece.

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